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Why get your concealed carry license?

So now that Kansas' “Constitutional Carry” or “Permitless Carry” has passed and has been signed into law, you may have heard or you may be asking, “why should I get a Concealed Carry license when, in July, I can carry without a license?” The answer is quite simple – YOU DON'T NEED TO! On July 1st of this year, any Kansas resident, who can legally purchase and possess a handgun can legally carry a concealed handgun without a permit. But...let me offer a few pieces of advice:

1. According to the Gun Free School Zone Act (specifically 18 USC 922 q(2) and q(3)) it is unlawful for anyone (with exceptions) to carry a firearm within 1000 feet of a school property. In Hutchinson, it's not that hard to avoid a school zone, but try driving in bigger cities like Wichita or Topeka. A Kansas Concealed Carry licensee has a built in exception to this law. Doesn't this sound like it could make your commute to and from work a lot less stressful?

2. Have you ever bought a new or used firearm at your local FFL dealer, just to sit and wait for them to make that phone call, after you fill out that paperwork? Have you ever been told, “We'll give you a call once we get approval?” With a Kansas Concealed Carry license, you fill out the front page, sign the top of the second page, give Mr./Ms. FFL your money and walk out of the store with your new or used firearm. They still have to get approval, however, the Kansas Concealed Carry license tells them that you're already a law abiding citizen and have passed the background checks so they will get approval at a later time. Less hassle, isn't it?

3. So you need to go to Branson, Missouri for a family reunion next month, and you want to carry your firearm with you. Or you go on a spur of the moment trip to a casino just south of the Kansas/Oklahoma State line with your buddies over the weekend. IF you carry a concealed firearm across State lines without a valid permit, you face getting charged with Criminal Possession of a Firearm, because Missouri and Oklahoma (and other states) will only recognize the license, NOT your right as a Kansas resident to “Permitless Carry”. This would be a lot more convenient, wouldn't it?

4. I'll bet you're like me: I carried my handgun in my car everywhere, long before I had my Concealed Carry license. I'm sure, you or someone you know carries their firearm at work, leaving it in the car while they preform their duties. Of course, I know there's companies out there that say “NO GUNS, PERIOD, ANYWHERE”, and IF they find out, they can fire you for violating company policy. Did you know that with a Kansas Concealed Carry license, an employer can not prohibit the carrying of a firearm by a licensee, in their personal cars, even while on company property? No one wants to get fired for exercising their 2nd amendment rights, but violating company policy, would they?

There are so many benefits to getting the license as opposed to not, including knowing the laws pertaining to the use of force and the use of deadly force as well as interaction with law enforcement. We are offering a Kansas Concealed Carry class on May 16, 2015 in Hutchinson, Kansas. Our fees are less than the rest; at $50.00 per person. Even if you don't plan to get your license, isn't it worth at least 8 hours with a Certified Kansas Concealed Carry Instructor to learn YOUR rights as a Kansas resident who plans to carry or already openly carries a handgun? Mike is a Licensed Private Detective, a Certified Private Detective Firearm Instructor, a NRA Pistol Instructor and a Certified Simunition Instructor. He has a great amount of knowledge and experience that will allow you to walk away with useful information and a smile (because the classes are fun too). Call Mike to reserve your seat 620-875-1650. Also like us on FaceBook and check out what other people say about us

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